Archive for flexitarian

Absentee blog owner

Posted in Fatness with tags , , , , on May 17, 2010 by jaimelia

I have been absent, a rookie blogger’s move, I suppose, but I’ve been too busy dieting to worry much about anything else.  I’m hoping tomorrow for 14 lbs!   Of course, that means I have only 6 weeks left to lose 16 lbs before my deadline of 7/2/10, but at this point, if I don’t meet the magic number, I don’t care.  I feel SO MUCH BETTER.  I actually have gone out with a friend two weekends in a row and didn’t feel like I had to hide myself under a coat or a big sweater.  Overall, I’ve lost 12+ inches and am almost back in a size ten (I think 5-7 more lbs will do it).  If that’s as small as I get, so be it. 

I’ve learned a lot.   Most specifically, I’ve learned that the chemical crap frozen diet foods I was trying to live on were actually leaving me so unsatisfied that I whenever I had the chance to eat normal food, I overindulged like a starved person.   Everything I’ve eaten for the past six weeks  has been a single ingredient.  Chicken.  Steak.  Vegetables.  Fruit.  I’ve even started buying free-range chicken and eggs (I’m still working on going organic…it’s so expensive).  I’ve also been largely gluten-free and I think it’s done wonders for my energy level.  I’m not saying I’m going to give up bread and pasta altogether, but I see now how they should be savored as treats and not lived upon for days or weeks at a time.  One thing I’m looking forward to, though, is the day when I don’t have to eat any meat!  I never thought I’d say that, but I kind of like my flexitarian lifestyle, eating meat less and less frequently (oh, except for bacon, of course).  I am definitely going to give myself a full week away from meat when I’m done with this experiment. 

Wish me luck on my weigh-in tomorrow!