Archive for Bucket List

164 days, 30 pounds, and 1 bikini

Posted in Bucket List with tags , , , , on January 20, 2010 by jaimelia

July 2, 2010.  40 years old.  It’s a big milestone, and it deserves respect.  A friend told me I should start a Bucket List for 40…things to do in my 40th year.  Of course, there is the ever-present “lose 30 pounds.”  To make this more real, I’ve decided that I will don a bikini on my 40th birthday.  However, I haven’t declared that I will wear it in public or be photographed wearing it…that would be overkill.  Another friend has pledged to run a full marathon the week of her 40th birthday, and that, too, is overkill.  At this point, a big move for me would be going on a date and actually living through it.  Or figuring out my 401(k) allocation.  Or giving up wine and cheese for Lent (which I won’t do…the horror!)

So I’m starting this blog not only as an inspiration to get my ass into that bikini, but also to help build the rest of the 40-Year-Old Bucket List.   Suggestions are welcome and will be entertained, but anything that involves adrenaline will be pointed to and laughed at.